Private Coaching
Fine-tune techniques learned in group workshops or develop your long-term plans. In private sessions, we will address your situational concerns at the moment of need. Coaching sessions offer maximum flexibility, objectivity, and confidentiality and are especially helpful for first-time parents, newly adopting parents, newly blending families, and new grandparents.
Common issues include:
“How do I get my children out of bed in time to catch the school bus?”
“How can I stop them from bickering?”
“How do I get my children to help with the chores without an argument?”
“Is there a way to discipline my toddler in public without creating a scene?”
“How can I get my teenage daughter to come home at the agreed-upon time?”
“How do I get him to stop spitting his peas and whining at dinner?”
“How can I end hassles about curfew?”
And many other day-to-day parenting challenges.
In this win-win approach to parenting, you’ll learn how to raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the world. Your children will win because they’ll learn to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence they need to meet life’s challenges. And you’ll win because you’ll establish healthy control—without resorting to anger, nagging, or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love and Logic puts the fun back into parenting!
The Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® program was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster W. Cline, M.D., of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc., in Golden, Colorado.