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Grandparents (permalink)
From the Duke University Gifted Letter:

Parents of gifted children and youth have resources available to them both in school and in the community. However, there is an often overlooked resource in the family itself—grandparents. Parents can encourage interaction between grandchildren and grandparents by sharing information related to the grandchildren’s giftedness, their special interests, and their school’s educational programs with grandparents. The more information grandparents have about their grandchildren, the better they can plan rewarding and enjoyable experiences with them.

The most precious gifts grandparents can give to their grandchildren are time and attention. Despite physical and generational distances, communication can take place through activities using computers, cell phones, video and digital cameras, audiotapes, and CDs, as well as through methods that have stood the test of time—letters, postcards, and cards for special occasions. The following are suggested activities for grandparents and grandchildren, depending on age and interest levels.

Read the tips about family history, cooking, cultural events, trips, and projects at this link.
> read more from Grandparents . . .
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